Mastery Topics 2 & 28

Mastery Topic 2: C++ Good Style Conventions

This link is an extensive guide of the do’s and don’t’s and pros and cons of C++ proramming. It is very useful especially when writing long and complex programs. Remember that you should try to make your code as understandable as possible for anyone who tries to read it!!

Mastery Topic 28: Demonstrate use of linux for quizzes and exams

During the semester, we did every quiz either on paper or on our own computers and submitting them through our blogs. However, last class Ken brought the USBs with linux so that we could see how it works and we can use them for our final exam, which will be next Tuesday. I tried one, and it was pretty simple, I only had to open Atom and the terminal and do the same thing that I’ve been doing all semester long. The only differences were that I didn’t have to search for the folder with the super long command that I needed in Cygwin (because everything is already in the USB) and I had to use «./a.out» like in Cloud9 instead of «./a.exe» like in Cygwin.

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